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* All prices are in US Dollars (USD). NameBright.com accepts payments from all parts of the globe, but if you are making a purchase from outside the United States you will need to perform your own currency conversion.

** To receive 'at cost' pricing, select "Bill My Funded NameBright Account" in the payment method on the next page. You must pre-fund your account prior to checkout with bank wire or check (checks must be $100 or more). What's this?

'At Cost' Pricing

Regular prices for domain registrations are:
.COM: $0.00/yr. per domain
.NET: $12.49/yr. per domain

Save with 'at cost' pricing:

.COM: $10.44/yr. per domain
.NET: $11.84/yr. per domain

To get 'at cost' pricing on your domain registrations, simply pre-fund your NameBright account via bank wire or check, then select the "Bill My Funded NameBright Account" in the payment method at checkout. To learn more, click here.

Committed to Being the Most Advanced Registrar in the World!

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It is highly recommended you set all domain names to "Auto-Renew". With this on, when your domain name nears its expiration date NameBright will attempt to renew the domain from a pre-funded account balance or from credit cards you have on file. Note - if you do not have an account balance or a valid credit card on file, your domain names will not be able to be renewed.
Privacy protection helps prevent people from seeing who owns the domain name as easily. It will put "NameBrightPrivacy.com" as the owner of the domain and give you an email address @NameBrightPrivacy.com that redirects all email to yourself. If you choose this option you will get the first year free and will be charged the current rate for privacy protection one year after checking out, unless you remove privacy protection from the domain within 365 day from purchase.
Upgrading your domain name gives you access to more features such as a brand protection monitor, a website monitor, increased domain history, a DNS firewall, the ability to use custom whois text and more.
Categories are used to help you organize your domain names. If you have category settings set up on the category you select, all domain names purchased will adopt the category settings that you have configured on that category.
This is the amount of time your domain name will be registered for before it will have to be renewed. Note that all domain names will expire if you do not manually renew them or set auto-renewal on them and have valid payment information. We recommend renewing domain names for as long as you can to lock in current rates and protect your domain names from accidentally expiring.
The transfer cost for this domain name to move it from the old registrar to NameBright. When the domain transfers between registrars, one year will be added to the current expiration date of the transfer. If your domain will expire in 3 months, after transfer it will have an expiration date that is 15 months in the future.
This is the number of years you want to add to the current expiration date of your domain name. Each domain extension (such as .com or .info) have different restrictions on how long your domain can be renewed. If your domain has 6 months remaining and you renew the domain for 1 year, your new expiration date will then be 18 months in the future.
This domain is set up to be auto-renewed every year. If you would like to turn auto-renew off on this domain, do it from the domain manager, you can not do so from within the cart.
This setting is currently being managed at the Category level, and you are not able to modify that here.
This domain / these domains already have privacy protection. If you would like to remove privacy protection you can do so from the domain manager, not from within the cart.
This SSL Certificate is set up to be auto-renewed every year. If you would like to turn auto-renew off on this SSL Certificate, do it from the SSL manager.
SSL Certificates are issued in increments of one year periods. It is highly recommended you pay for multiple years at once so that you do not have to re-configure and re-install SSL certificates when the registration period is up. Please note different SSL Certificates can be renewed for longer periods of time than others.
"SAN" stands for "Subject Alternate Names". Each SAN gives you one more domain name / subdomain that can be protected by the certificate. For example, if you want to protect Example.com and store.Example.com and www.ExampleStore.com you would want to select 2 on this row so you can protect three domain names.
Most SSL certificates are only licensed to be used on a single server at a time. If you would like to use your SSL certificate on multiple servers, select the total number of servers that you are looking to protect with this SSL Certificate.
The issuance time is the time it COULD take to issue this certifictae and get it ready for your use. Typically the slowest certificates are EV (Extended Validation) where you have to provide more detailed information about your business before the certificate can be issued. Issuance time is typically slowest on your end, not on the certificate provider. We recommend paying close attention to your email and taking quick actions in regards to SSL certificates so they can be made ready for use as soon as possible!
If you have Auto-Renew turned on NameBright will attempt to renew the SSL prior to its expiration. Please note that sometimes the renewal of an SSL is not all that is required. Sometimes you will have to confirm ownership of the domain, other times you might have to re-install a newly issued certificate. Every SSL certificate works slightly different based on the SSL provider and the exact product purchased.
This is the price of the domain name you are buying. This is an aftermarket / premium domain name purchase and you are paying this price to buy the rights to use this domain in the future.
This is the date that your email plan will expire on after upgrading the email plan.
You currently have an email plan that you have only partially used. Meaning there is time remaining on your plan, and NameBright is offering a pro-rated refund on the amount you paid for your plan. As an example, if you only used 20% of your old plan, we are giving you 80% back during upgrade so that you did not pay for service you did not receive.
Because you are upgrading your email plan, NameBright is offering a pro-rated refund on your old email plan. This way you are not double paying for email service. The price minus the refund you are getting from your old email plan equals the prorated price. You will not lose any email accounts or emails when making this change.
Auto-Renew is turned on and required on all email plans. This is done to protect you from losing access to your email at the end of the plan. If you do not want your email plan to be renewed, you must delete the email plan before it renews within the NameBright system.
This is the price for 1 year of email service based on the plan you have selected.
All email plans are automatically auto-renewed two weeks before their expiration date pending you have a funded account balance with NameBright or you have a valid credit card on file for us to process when the email plan nears its expiration. If you do not want to be re-billed after 1 year, you will have to cancel your plan before its renewal.
This is the time your upgrade will be in place. When possible NameBright syncs your upgrade date to the anniversary of your domain name, many times this will be a number that is less than one year.
This is the price for a domain upgrade that you have to pay for domain names that is in your account.
Auto renew on an upgrade is tied to the domain name. If your domain name is renewed and has an upgrade on it, the domain upgrade will renew as well. You will not be charged for a domain upgrade renewal if your domain name expires.
This domain / these domains are already upgraded. If you would like to cancel the upgrade do it from the domain manager, not from within the cart.
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